Find out more about the training we offer below, or view our list of upcoming sessions.
Module 1: Effectively Handling Enquiries Beginners
This module is an introduction to handling enquiries, and will cover the following sessions:
Telephone Techniques & Questioning Types
Identifying Customer Needs
What the Caller Hears & Body Language
Suitable for:
All enquiry handlers
New role/industry starters
Anyone who needs a refresher
Module 2: Effectively Handling Enquiries- Advanced
This module is part two in handling enquiries, and looking at how to deal with objections and price resistance from customers, using a range of techniques. Sessions include:
- Features, Benefits & Buying Motives
- Objection Handling & Price Resistence
Suitable for:
- All enquiry handlers
- New role/industry starters
- Anyone who needs a refresher
Module 3: Negotiation
Join us for a half-day course teaching you how to get the best deal for you and the customer by learning the art of negotiation. Sessions include:
- What kind of negotiator am I?
- The 4 Stages of Negotiation
- Closing the Sale
Suitable for: All enquiry handlers
Module 4: Effective Showrounds
This module is an in depth look at the benefits of a customer physically seeing our venues, and understanding the advantages a showround brings. Sessions include:
- Understand why we do showrounds
- Best prepare for your showround
- Deliver an Effective Showround
- Confidently Close the Sale
Suitable for:
- All enquiry handlers
- New role/industry starters
- Anyone who needs a refresher